
Showing posts from March, 2019

CCR Draft 2

In order to engage audiences, Muscle Magazine will have three marketing techniques: -The first technique will be an Instagram page featuring the magazine. The Instagram will advertise the product, as well as post pictures of singular objects like the Web MD brand did. The only difference is that since Muscle Magazine is just a magazine and doesn't have any other product, the Instagram will advertise solely advertise the magazine. Instagram engages my target audience of the "average person" because most people use it, and they can "subscribe" to the brand simply by clicking "follow". After that, the audience will be familiar with the brand and be more likely to buy the magazine because they see it as an extension of the limited but useful information on Instagram. -Similar to the Men's Health Marketing technique of having a website from the brand, Muscle Magazine will have a website for its brand. The website will include content from the magazi...

CCR Draft 1

I wanted to follow the conventions of the fitness magazine genre as close as possible in production. Similarity is needed in the production of magazines as magazines in the oligopoly industry copy competitors and new changes and trends. I achieved this through several techniques, both shown and behind the scenes. General: -Use of Microsoft Publisher to produce the magazine -Conduction of interviews /Actual workout Cover -Use of Photoshop to make Jon's head cover the title -Broad categories to attraction attention -Recognition of a 25 year anniversary -Issue Month and website -Barcode on front -"Stretched out" font, common with many magazines -Singular figure on cover (however as they are shown centered on the page, mine is on a third -Picture with a border -Name of the featured person small and along the side of his picture -White text able to "pop" Table of Contents -Border -Text boxes with featured articles (25 year anniversary/interviews...

Third Quarter Submission


Post Distribution Plan

Muscle Magazine will incorporate all three distribution methods researched into its distribution. The magazine will: 1. Develop an app 2. Create a website 3. Partner with/create an online store *If created, the online store will be a branch of the website, but if partnered with a pre-existing store, it would be separate. There are pros and cons in each way of developing a store: A pro of the branch of a store through the website is that there are no partnership fees, and that it will be easy to access from the website. A con is that the online store would have to be developed by developers that require time and money. On the other hand, selling the product through an online store would require less time and no money, but there will be fees paid to the online store store to sell through them. The app will be developed by a team of developers that are hired, so pre-existing online store would be best so that the most amount of time and money can be put into the app and making it ...

Digital Distribution Research 3

Finally, some magazines can have an app, where they have their magazines as well as other features that add to their product. For example, Men's Health has the Men's Health Fitness Trainer app that's available on the app-store, and contains workouts one can do. This not only advertises their brand, but distributes their product into the hands of anyone who downloads it. Magazine companies utilizing app development helps to diversify, distribute, and integrate their product into the ever-growing age of electronics. Muscle Magazine could develop an app so that their information can be acquired modernly and effectively

Digital Distribution Research 2

Flex Magazine has a partnership with Amazon where they are able to sell renewed-monthly subscriptions to the magazine off of the Amazon, either though print or kindle. This helps them reach new people that shop on amazon, as well as others interested in fitness that want to shop off of Amazon to look for cheaper items. The kindle option helps modernize the magazine to make it available to the growing "electronic focused population". The magazine is delivered monthly for a total of 35.99 and there's an option to try it free for 30 days. Flex's modern use of distribution utilizes the very popular online-store Amazon, which helps them to grow their profits. There's also downloadable magazines, where one can download a magazine directly onto a phone or computer. This is convenient to people who don't have the time to read a magazine on their own, and where they can technically take it anywhere where they can take a phone. Muscle Magazine would have a partners...

Traditional Distribution Research

Before magazines were able to utilize the internet to sell their product, they had to rely on the likability of their magazine to sell itself. The ways to order a magazine were through the phone or by mail. This is one reason why magazines are turning away from traditional methods. However, these methods formed the base for all distribution strategies, and are an important component of magazine history. Magazines were able to maintain this simple yet effective method in the past for several reasons... 1. Circulation database is strong- you need to know as much as possible about potential subscribers, and how they can be reached. Within that category, resources have to be effectively managed and spent. (For example door-to-door distribution), so that the budget can be maintained. 2. Being able to modernize distribution- This goes into digital distribution, but stronger methods like newspaper ads or billboards bring the magazine to the reader with less cost and time spent with door...