CCR Draft 1

I wanted to follow the conventions of the fitness magazine genre as close as possible in production. Similarity is needed in the production of magazines as magazines in the oligopoly industry copy competitors and new changes and trends.
I achieved this through several techniques, both shown and behind the scenes.
-Use of Microsoft Publisher to produce the magazine
-Conduction of interviews /Actual workout

-Use of Photoshop to make Jon's head cover the title
-Broad categories to attraction attention
-Recognition of a 25 year anniversary
-Issue Month and website
-Barcode on front
-"Stretched out" font, common with many magazines
-Singular figure on cover (however as they are shown centered on the page, mine is on a third
-Picture with a border
-Name of the featured person small and along the side of his picture
-White text able to "pop"

Table of Contents
-Text boxes with featured articles (25 year anniversary/interviews)
-contents sections organized with article names and numbers
-Broad sections like Diet, Gym, and Gear
-Nice, consistent coloration
-Issue date and Magazine name along bottom of page on right
-Page number on right due to it being on right page
-Pictures along top are faded along the sides
-Overlap of text boxes and titles on pictures
-Inclusion of Magazine name and Contents section

-Overall organized like a workout article
-Pictures structured and shot like a typical workout section pages
-Quote on page
-Topics structured neatly and easy to follow workout
-non-white picture backgrounds
-Muscles trained listed
-Author listed
-Section listed on top
-Lines organizing page
-Validation for interviewee
-Workout title
-Page number/Issue Date/Magazine title listed on left side (Pg 34 is on left page, and vice versa on pg 35)
-Easy-to-follow directions for workout

The social group I was trying to target with this magazine is the average or new gym go-er. I know from experience that i'm in need of a new workout when 1. I'm first starting to workout, 2. That I want to change my workouts around in order to help "shock" the muscle (advanced subject), or 3. That I was to know more exercises to incorporate into my pre-exisiting workout. I made my magazine to try and hit all of these goals in the workout to try and involve the people who are targeted. In research I realized that most fitness magazines broadly aim to target just one gender (sometimes both) , and I feel my specialized approach to target a specific group would work toward my magazine's advantage.


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