Magazine Photoshoot (Schedule Photo shoot)

Magazine Photo Shoot
The moment when I decided to go a fitness theme for the magazine, I started thinking about the photo shoot. Who would I want? Where would it be? When would I do it? These are all questions I had in the back of my mind when working on the other magazine parts. When the time came to start planning out the shoot, I was able to do it as smoothly as possible. I checked out a camera twice, the first time I wasn't able to take pictures because I was too busy to workout and didn't try to fit it into my schedule. The next day I posted a picture on social media (Instagram), inviting people out to a photo shoot at my local gym (la fitness). The picture was a screenshot from my notes.
I planned the shoot on a Saturday night, and me and three of my friends met at the gym la fitness to start. The shoot was featuring  Jon King, Gavin Goffinet, and Sebastian Gutierrez. They all  have been working out for some time so they were fit enough to be the models. At first I wasn't able to figure out the camera, but luckily Sebastian had a friend who uses the same camera and he helped us figure it out. At that time la fitness was closing so we decided to go to a local Sarasota gym to finish shooting (Grindfit).
The local gym was perfect for shooting. it captured the exact theme of what I wanted the magazine to be based off of. The gym was empty and had all of the workout gear we needed to use in the shoots. We actually did an arm workout before shooting so we'd be "pumped up" to look better in the photos. As I took the pictures, though, I realized I took pictures of so many exercises that I knew I wouldn't be able to include them all. I made sure I got all I needed for my back article, so when I finished shooting with that, I knew I was done. It took about 4 hours in total at the gym to get the whole thing done, but it was worth it because the pictures were awesome. The next problem was trying to figure out which pictures to include in the articles. I wanted include as much as I could, so I decided on 3 pictures on the table of contents, a cover page picture, and several back exercise photos for the back article. After shooting however, I ended up with over 500 pictures. After deleting all of the bad and fuzzy photos, I still had quite a few that I knew couldn't all make it in the magazine.
These are the one's that were considered but not finalists:
*There were several photos of these because the camera was in shutter mode; these were the best out of them
These were finalists:
These were the photos that made it into the magazine:
Table of contents:

Back Article:

Cover Page:
*In the final cut these pictures will be cropped and edited


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