Project Selection- Magazine

Print Journalism
 The making of magazines including picture and word format are interesting to me. Pictures can be strategically placed to get the reader's attention. Words can be in short columns if you want to reader to read it more easily. and if you want to make it harder for the reader to read, (you're not 100% confident of the legitimacy of what you wrote), put the words in longer columns and use bigger words so the reader would get tired of reading and just look at the good pictures.
It can also be any magazine of your choice and interests. It makes it so much easier to write because since you're writing about something you care about, you can describe and explain it better, which in turn helps the reader to understand it better.

A con of writing a magazine would with be the table of contents. I imagine trying to figure out where each page would go and distribute the articles with the ads so that they can be strategically placed to get more buyers would be hard for me. For example, if there was an ad about gym gear, I could place it after a fitness article, but I might draw a blank on where to place the other ads.
Another con would be the photo shooting. I'm really picky with taking pictures, and if I don't find it perfect, I would retake it. This could be a problem due to the limited storage there would be on the camera. The actions the people in the shoot also might be challenging because I will try to portray a certain emotion to the reader, but it might take the person a while to do what I want.
The placement of pictures and text in the magazine, as it's a pro, is also a con because I would have to do some research of other magazines to see where they put their stuff. The point of layout is to either sell to the reader, keep, or displace the reader's attention, and I think it would be hard to get that exactly how I want it, especially after asking lots of people what they think.


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