
Creative Critical Reflection


CCR Powerpoint Voiceover Template

Slide #... 2- Microsoft publisher/ photoshop use 3- Photoshop cover 4/5 use of blogger 6- interviews 7-inspiration from back workout to articles 8-use of broad categories/25 year anniversary 9-website/issue month and year inclusion 10-white text pop/inspiration from other magazines for central figure/contrast with background/similar layout/border 11- Contents info organization/ magazine name and "contents" / traditional contents are 2 pages/ coloration /picture fade effect/overlap 12- -Overall organized like a workout article -Pictures structured and shot like a typical workout section pages -Quote on page -Topics structured neatly and easy to follow workout -non-white picture backgrounds -Muscles trained listed -Author listed -Section listed on top -Lines organizing page -Validation for interviewee -Workout title -Page number/Issue Date/Magazine title listed on left side (Pg 34 is on left page, and vice versa on pg 35) -Easy-to-follow directions for wo...


Through this project I used production programs like Photoshop and Publisher. The internet was also used to research articles and magazines, as well as to find magazine slogans and issues. I used a tos rebel camera with sport mode to capture the inaction pictures during the photoshoot. Finally, I used the website Google Blogger to submit blog posts and magazine products.

CCR Draft 3

The production of the magazine required a skill level that was able to successfully utilize programs such as Microsoft publisher and photoshop. Luckily, publisher's functions were easy to use, and photoshop was done with the help of a classmate, Aaron. Specifically, some functions from publisher like guides for allignment borders text boxes picture placeholder text effect/fill/outlines text justify button to make text proportional These features were easy to use to make the magazine formatted in a professional method I had help from a classmate, Aaron to use photoshop. We made the words "Muscle Magazine" go underneath Jon's head for the cover page, and made it into a document which then I finished on publisher. Through this project I gained accessibility and fluency in Publisher and experience in Photoshop.

CCR Draft 2

In order to engage audiences, Muscle Magazine will have three marketing techniques: -The first technique will be an Instagram page featuring the magazine. The Instagram will advertise the product, as well as post pictures of singular objects like the Web MD brand did. The only difference is that since Muscle Magazine is just a magazine and doesn't have any other product, the Instagram will advertise solely advertise the magazine. Instagram engages my target audience of the "average person" because most people use it, and they can "subscribe" to the brand simply by clicking "follow". After that, the audience will be familiar with the brand and be more likely to buy the magazine because they see it as an extension of the limited but useful information on Instagram. -Similar to the Men's Health Marketing technique of having a website from the brand, Muscle Magazine will have a website for its brand. The website will include content from the magazi...

CCR Draft 1

I wanted to follow the conventions of the fitness magazine genre as close as possible in production. Similarity is needed in the production of magazines as magazines in the oligopoly industry copy competitors and new changes and trends. I achieved this through several techniques, both shown and behind the scenes. General: -Use of Microsoft Publisher to produce the magazine -Conduction of interviews /Actual workout Cover -Use of Photoshop to make Jon's head cover the title -Broad categories to attraction attention -Recognition of a 25 year anniversary -Issue Month and website -Barcode on front -"Stretched out" font, common with many magazines -Singular figure on cover (however as they are shown centered on the page, mine is on a third -Picture with a border -Name of the featured person small and along the side of his picture -White text able to "pop" Table of Contents -Border -Text boxes with featured articles (25 year anniversary/interviews...